§ 19.2-313. Eligibility for release.
Any person committed under the provisions of § 19.2-311 shall be eligible forrelease at the discretion of the Parole Board upon certification by theDirector of the Department of Corrections that the person has successfullycompleted the program established pursuant to § 53.1-63 and a determinationthat he has demonstrated that such release is compatible with the interestsof society and of such person and his successful rehabilitation to thatextent. The Department and Parole Board shall make continuous evaluation ofhis progress to determine his readiness for release. All such persons, in anyevent, shall be released after four years' confinement. Any person committedunder § 19.2-311 who was convicted of a misdemeanor and is determined to beunsuitable for the program established pursuant to § 53.1-63 shall bereleased after one year of confinement or the maximum confinement for themisdemeanor whichever is less.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-295.3; 1966, c. 579; 1975, cc. 495, 571; 2000, cc. 668,690.)