§ 19.2-315. Compliance with terms and conditions of parole; time on parolenot counted as part of commitment period.
Every person on parole under § 19.2-314 shall comply with such terms andconditions as may be prescribed by the Board according to § 53.1-157 andshall be subject to the penalties imposed by law for a violation of suchterms and conditions. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code, ifparole is revoked as a result of any such violation, such person may bereturned to the institution established pursuant to § 53.1-63 upon thedirection of the Parole Board with the concurrence of the Department ofCorrections, provided such person has not been convicted since his release onparole of an offense constituting a felony under the laws of theCommonwealth. Time on parole shall not be counted as part of the four-yearperiod of commitment under this section. In addition, such person may bebrought before the sentencing court for imposition of all or part of thesuspended sentence.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-295.5; 1966, c. 579; 1975, c. 495; 1984, c. 33; 2000, cc.668, 690.)