§ 19.2-14. Conservators of the peace for fairgrounds and cemeteries; bondrequired.
The superintendent or other person in charge of any fairgrounds or any publicor private cemetery shall, for the purpose of maintaining order and enforcingthe criminal and police laws of the Commonwealth, or the county or city inwhich such fairgrounds or cemetery is situated, have all the powers,functions, duties, responsibilities and authority of a conservator of thepeace within the fairgrounds or cemetery over which he may have charge andwithin one-half of a mile around the same.
The provisions of § 19.2-13 relative to the giving of bond and the liabilityof an employer, principal or master, shall be applicable to every personexercising any powers of a conservator of the peace under this section.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-32; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495.)