§ 19.2-335. Judge of district court to certify to clerk of circuit courtcosts of proceedings in criminal cases before him.
A judge of a district court before whom there is any proceeding in a criminalcase, including any proceeding which has been deferred upon probation of thedefendant pursuant to § 16.1-278.8, 16.1-278.9, 18.2-61, 18.2-67.1,18.2-67.2, 18.2-251 or 19.2-303.2, shall certify to the clerk of the circuitcourt of his county or city, and a judge or court before whom there is, in acriminal case, any proceeding preliminary to conviction in another court,upon receiving information of the conviction from the clerk of the courtwherein it is, shall certify to such clerk, all the expenses incident to suchproceedings which are payable out of the state treasury.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-319; 1960, c. 366; 1968, c. 639; 1975, c. 495; 1995, c.485; 2005, c. 631.)