§ 19.2-368.10. When awards to be made; reporting crime and cooperation withlaw enforcement.
No award shall be made unless the Commission finds that:
1. A crime was committed;
2. Such crime directly resulted in an individual becoming a victim as definedin § 19.2-368.2, on whose behalf a claim is filed; and
3. Police records show that such crime was promptly reported to the properauthorities. In no case may an award be made where the police records showthat such report was made more than 120 hours after the occurrence of suchcrime, unless the Commission, for good cause shown, finds the delay to havebeen justified. The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to claimsof sexual abuse that occurred while the victim was a minor.
The Commission, upon finding that any claimant or award recipient has notfully cooperated with all law-enforcement agencies, may deny, reduce orwithdraw any award, as the case may be.
(1976, c. 605; 1977, c. 215; 1985, c. 446; 2001, c. 855; 2005, c. 683.)