§ 19.2-368.18. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund.
A. There is hereby created a special fund to be administered by theComptroller, known as the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund.
B. Whenever the costs provided for in §§ 17.1-275.1, 17.1-275.2, 17.1-275.3,17.1-275.4, 17.1-275.7, 17.1-275.8, or § 17.1-275.9 or subsections B or C of§ 16.1-69.48:1 are assessed, a portion of the costs, as specified in thosesections, shall be paid over to the Comptroller to be deposited into theCriminal Injuries Compensation Fund. Under no condition shall a politicalsubdivision be held liable for the payment of this sum.
C. No claim shall be accepted under the provisions of this chapter when thecrime that gave rise to such claim occurred prior to July 1, 1977.
D. Sums available in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund shall be usedfor the purpose of payment of the costs and expenses necessary for theadministration of this chapter and for the payment of claims pursuant to thischapter.
E. All revenues deposited into the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund, andappropriated for the purposes of this chapter, shall be immediately availablefor the payment of claims.
(1976, c. 605; 1978, c. 413; 1980, c. 521; 1985, c. 230; 1988, c. 748; 1993,c. 434; 1996, cc. 760, 976; 2002, c. 831.)