§ 19.2-368.2. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter:
"Claimant" means the person filing a claim pursuant to this chapter.
"Commission" means the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission.
"Crime" means an act committed by any person in the Commonwealth ofVirginia which would constitute a crime as defined by the Code of Virginia orat common law. However, no act involving the operation of a motor vehiclewhich results in injury shall constitute a crime for the purpose of thischapter unless the injuries (i) were intentionally inflicted through the useof such vehicle or (ii) resulted from a violation of § 18.2-51.4 or 18.2-266.
"Family," when used with reference to a person, means (i) any personrelated to such person within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity,(ii) any person residing in the same household with such person, or (iii) aspouse.
"Sexual abuse" means sexual abuse as defined in subdivision 6 of §18.2-67.10 and acts constituting rape, sodomy, object sexual penetration orsexual battery as defined in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 ofTitle 18.2.
"Victim" means a person who suffers personal physical injury or death as adirect result of a crime including a person who is injured or killed as aresult of foreign terrorism or who suffers personal emotional injury as adirect result of being the subject of a violent felony offense as defined insubsection C of § 17.1-805, or stalking as described in § 18.2-60.3, orattempted robbery or abduction.
(1976, c. 605; 1984, c. 619; 1988, c. 748; 1990, c. 620; 1997, cc. 528, 691;1998, c. 484; 1999, c. 286; 2001, c. 855; 2008, c. 590.)