§ 19.2-368.9. Emergency awards.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, if it appears to theCommission, that (1) such claim is one with respect to which an awardprobably will be made, and (2) undue hardship will result to the claimant ifimmediate payment is not made, the Commission may make an emergency award tothe claimant, pending a final decision in the case, provided that (i) theamount of such emergency award shall not exceed $2,000, (ii) the amount ofsuch emergency award shall be deducted from any final award made to theclaimant, and (iii) the excess of the amount of such emergency award over thefinal award, or the full amount of the emergency award if no final award ismade, shall be repaid by the claimant to the Commission.
(1976, c. 605; 1977, c. 215; 1985, c. 446.)