§ 19.2-392. Fingerprints and photographs by police authorities.
A. All duly constituted police authorities having the power of arrest maytake the fingerprints and photographs of: (i) any person arrested by them andcharged with a felony or a misdemeanor an arrest for which is to be reportedby them to the Central Criminal Records Exchange, or (ii) any person whopleads guilty or is found guilty after being summoned in accordance with §19.2-74. Such authorities shall make such records available to the CentralCriminal Records Exchange. Such authorities are authorized to provide, on therequest of duly appointed law-enforcement officers, copies of any fingerprintrecords they may have, and to furnish services and technical advice inconnection with the taking, classifying and preserving of fingerprints andfingerprint records.
B. Such police authorities may establish and collect a reasonable fee not toexceed $10 for the first card and $5 for each successive card for the takingof fingerprints when voluntarily requested by any person for purposes otherthan criminal violations.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-19.6; 1968, c. 722; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 825; 1985, c.306; 2005, c. 347.)