§ 19.2-57. Execution and return of warrant; list of property seized.
The warrant shall be executed by the search of the place described in thewarrant and, if property described in the warrant is found there, by theseizure of the property. The officer who seizes any property shall prepare aninventory thereof, under oath. An inventory of any seized property shall beproduced before the circuit court of the county or city where the search wasconducted. The officer executing the warrant shall endorse the date ofexecution thereon and the officer or his designee shall file the warrant,with the inventory attached (or a notation that no property was seized) andthe accompanying affidavit, unless such affidavit was made by voice orvideotape recording, within three days after the execution of such searchwarrant in the circuit court clerk's office, wherein the search was made, asprovided in § 19.2-54. Saturdays, Sundays, or any federal or state legalholiday shall not be used in computing the three-day filing period. Theofficer, or his designee or agent, may file the warrant, inventory, andaccompanying affidavit by delivering them in person, or by mailing themcertified mail, return receipt requested, or delivering them byelectronically transmitted facsimile process.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-87.1; 1970, c. 416; 1973, c. 11; 1975, c. 495; 1976, cc.142, 552; 1977, c. 109; 1980, c. 573; 1984, c. 491; 2008, cc. 147, 183.)