§ 19.2-77. Escape, flight and pursuit; arrest anywhere in Commonwealth.
Whenever a person in the custody of an officer shall escape or whenever aperson shall flee from an officer attempting to arrest him, such officer,with or without a warrant, may pursue such person anywhere in theCommonwealth and, when actually in close pursuit, may arrest him wherever heis found. If the arrest is made in a county or city adjoining that from whichthe accused fled, or in any area of the Commonwealth within one mile of theboundary of the county or city from which he fled, the officer may forthwithreturn the accused before the proper official of the county or city fromwhich he fled. If the arrest is made beyond the foregoing limits, the officershall proceed according to the provisions of § 19.2-76, and if such arrest ismade without a warrant, the officer shall procure a warrant from themagistrate serving the county or city wherein the arrest was made, chargingthe accused with the offense committed in the county or city from which hefled.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-94; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1992, c. 881; 2008, cc.551, 691.)