§ 19.2-83.1. Report of arrest of school employees and adult students forcertain offenses.
A. Every state official or agency and every sheriff, police officer, or otherlocal law-enforcement officer or conservator of the peace having the power toarrest for a felony, upon arresting a person who is known or discovered bythe arresting official to be a full-time, part-time, permanent, or temporaryteacher or other employee in any public school division in this Commonwealthfor a felony or a Class 1 misdemeanor or an equivalent offense in anotherstate shall file a report of such arrest with the division superintendent ofthe employing division as soon as practicable. The contents of the reportrequired pursuant to this section shall be utilized by the local schooldivision solely to implement the provisions of subsection B of § 22.1-296.2and § 22.1-315.
B. Every state official or agency and every sheriff, police officer, or otherlocal law-enforcement officer or conservator of the peace having the power toarrest for a felony, shall file a report, as soon as practicable, with thedivision superintendent of the school division in which the student isenrolled upon arresting a person who is known or discovered by the arrestingofficial to be a student age 18 or older in any public school division inthis Commonwealth for:
1. A firearm offense pursuant to Article 4 (§ 18.2-279 et seq.), 5 (§18.2-288 et seq.), 6 (§ 18.2-299 et seq.), or 7 (§ 18.2-308 et seq.) ofChapter 7 of Title 18.2;
2. Homicide, pursuant to Article 1 (§ 18.2-30 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title18.2;
3. Felonious assault and bodily wounding, pursuant to Article 4 (§ 18.2-51 etseq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2;
4. Criminal sexual assault, pursuant to Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) ofChapter 4 of Title 18.2;
5. Manufacture, sale, gift, distribution or possession of Schedule I or IIcontrolled substances, pursuant to Article 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter7 of Title 18.2;
6. Manufacture, sale or distribution of marijuana pursuant to Article 1 (§18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2;
7. Arson and related crimes, pursuant to Article 1 (§ 18.2-77 et seq.) ofChapter 5 of Title 18.2;
8. Burglary and related offenses, pursuant to §§ 18.2-89 through 18.2-93;
9. Robbery pursuant to § 18.2-58;
10. Prohibited criminal street gang activity pursuant to § 18.2-46.2; or
11. Recruitment of juveniles for criminal street gang pursuant to § 18.2-46.3.
(1991, c. 2; 1996, cc. 958, 960; 1997, c. 721; 2001, c. 591; 2004, c. 517.)