§ 19.2-92. Issuance of Governor's warrant of arrest; its recitals.
If the Governor decides that a demand for the extradition of a person,charged with, or convicted of, crime in another state should be compliedwith, he shall sign a warrant of arrest, which shall be sealed with the stateseal, and be directed to the sheriff or sergeant of any county or city or toany peace officer or other person whom he may think fit to entrust with theexecution thereof. The warrant must substantially recite the facts necessaryto the validity of its issuance. Any electronically transmitted facsimile ofa Governor's warrant shall be treated as an original document, provided theoriginal is received within four days of receipt of the facsimile.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-56; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 2001, cc. 214, 226.)