§ 19.2-98. Same; for prisoners being taken through Commonwealth.
The officer or agent of a demanding state to whom a prisoner may have beendelivered following extradition proceedings in another state or to whom aprisoner may have been delivered after waiving extradition in such otherstate, and who is passing through this Commonwealth with such prisoner forthe purpose of returning immediately such prisoner to the demanding statemay, when necessary, confine the prisoner in the jail of any county or citythrough which he may pass; and the keeper of such jail shall receive andsafely keep the prisoner until the officer or agent having charge of him isready to proceed on his route, such officer or agent, however, beingchargeable with the expense of keeping, provided, however, that such officeror agent shall deliver to the jailer the warrant or legal order authorizingcustody of the prisoner. Such prisoner shall not be entitled to demand a newrequisition while in this Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-62; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495.)