§ 19.2-130. Bail in subsequent proceeding arising out of initial arrest.
Any person admitted to bail by a judge or clerk of a district court or by amagistrate shall not be required to be admitted to bail in any subsequentproceeding arising out of the initial arrest unless the court havingjurisdiction of such subsequent proceeding deems the initial amount of bondor security taken inadequate. When the court having jurisdiction of theproceeding believes the amount of bond or security inadequate or excessive,it may change the amount of such bond or security, require new and additionalsureties, or set other terms of bail as are appropriate to the case,including, but not limited to, drug and alcohol monitoring. The court may,after notice to the parties, initiate a proceeding to alter the terms andconditions of bail on its own motion.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-111.1; 1972, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 755; 1991, c.581; 2008, cc. 363, 812.)