§ 19.2-131. Bail for person held in jurisdiction other than that of trial.
In any case in which a person charged with a misdemeanor or felony, or ajuvenile taken into custody pursuant to § 16.1-246 is held in some county,city or town other than that in which he is to be tried upon such charge, hemay be admitted to bail by any judicial officer of the county, city or townin which he is so held in accordance with the provisions of law concerningthe granting of bail in cases in which persons are so admitted to bail, whenheld in the county, city or town in which they are to be tried.
In such case, such judicial officer before whom he is brought may, withouttrial or examination, let him to bail, upon taking a recognizance for hisappearance before the court having cognizance of the case. The fact of takingsuch recognizance shall be certified by the court or officer taking it uponthe warrant under which such person was arrested or taken into custody andthe warrant and recognizance shall be returned forthwith to the clerk of thecourt before whom the accused or juvenile taken into custody pursuant to §16.1-246 is to appear. And to such court, the judicial officer who issuedsuch warrant shall recognize or cause to be summoned such witnesses as he maythink proper.
(Code 1950, §§ 19.1-118, 19.1-119; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 755;1992, c. 576.)