§ 19.2-152.4:1. Form of oath of office for local pretrial services officer;authorization to seek capias.
Every pretrial services officer who is an employee of a local pretrialservices agency established by any city, county or combination thereof oroperated pursuant to this article shall take an oath of office as prescribedin § 49-1 and to provide services pursuant to the requirements of thisarticle before entering the duties of his office. The oath of office shall betaken before any general district or circuit court judge in any county orcity which has established services for use by judicial officers pursuant tothis article.
In addition, any officer of a pretrial services agency established oroperated pursuant to this article may seek a capias from any judicial officerfor the arrest of any person under the agency's custody and supervision forfailure to comply with any conditions of release imposed by a judicialofficer, for failure to comply with the conditions of pretrial supervision asestablished by a pretrial services agency, or when there is reason to believethat the person will fail to appear, will leave, or has left the jurisdictionto avoid prosecution.
(2000, c. 1040; 2007, c. 133.)