§ 2.2-109.01. Signed statements required from appointees.
For purposes of this section:
"Appointed position" means a position appointed by the Governor or otherappointing authority in accordance with law.
"Covered appointee" means any person serving in an appointed position whois eligible for severance benefits under the Workforce Transition Act of 1995(§ 2.2-3200 et seq.), including but not limited to, any (i) officer, (ii)agency head, or (iii) member of a board, commission, council, or othercollegial body.
Upon initial appointment or reappointment, the Governor or other appointingauthority, or their designee, shall obtain a signed statement from eachcovered appointee providing that such person has read and understands theseverance benefits for which he is eligible under the Workforce TransitionAct of 1995. The Governor or other appointing authority, or their designeeshall provide all such statements to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. TheSecretary shall provide for such statements to be retained in the records ofthe Commonwealth.
(2006, cc. 813, 902.)