§ 2.2-117. Governor to administer anti-crime partnership program.
It shall be the responsibility of the Governor to establish and administer ananti-crime partnership program within the Commonwealth and to authorize,direct, and coordinate existing and future activities of agencies of theCommonwealth in such program. The Governor, in addition to all other dutiesand responsibilities conferred on him by the Constitution and laws of theCommonwealth, may enter into written anti-crime partnership agreements withpolitical subdivisions of the Commonwealth to assist and enhance theirability to reduce the incidence of violent and drug-related crime and fear ofcrime.
In addition to such other terms and conditions to which the parties agree,each partnership agreement shall (i) provide for the creation of apartnership committee to advise and direct the partnership, (ii) enumeratethe responsibilities of the Commonwealth and the political subdivisionsinvolved, and (iii) state the duration of the partnership, providing fordates on which the partnership will begin and end.
The Governor may provide to anti-crime partnerships established pursuant tothis section such technical and personnel resources of the Commonwealth as hedetermines and such financial resources as provided in the generalappropriation act.
(1992, c. 663, § 2.1-51.6:3; 2001, c. 844.)