§ 2.2-118. Governor to administer substance abuse prevention program.
It shall be the responsibility of the Governor to administer the substanceabuse prevention program within the Commonwealth and to authorize, direct,and coordinate activities of agencies of the Commonwealth in such program.The Governor is hereby empowered to establish an office of substance abuseprevention within the office of the Governor to assist in the coordination ofthe substance abuse prevention activities of the Commonwealth, reviewsubstance abuse prevention program expenditures by agencies of theCommonwealth, and determine the direction and appropriateness of suchexpenditures. The Governor shall cooperate with federal, state and localagencies, private and public agencies, interested organizations, andindividuals in order to prevent substance abuse within the Commonwealth. TheGovernor shall report annually by December 1 of each year to the GeneralAssembly on the activities of the office.
(2000, cc. 90, 249, § 2.1-51.6:6; 2001, c. 844.)