§ 2.2-122. Commercial use of seals of the Commonwealth.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1-505, the Governor may authorize theuse of the seals of the Commonwealth for commercial purposes upon a findingthat such use promotes an appropriate image of the Commonwealth, its heritageand its history, and that such use is carried out in accordance with the lawsof the Commonwealth. In considering whether the use of the seals inassociation with a product promotes an appropriate image of the Commonwealth,preference shall be given to products that (i) preserve traditional methodsof production, including handcrafting techniques, (ii) enhance publicappreciation of the Commonwealth's aesthetic values, and (iii) incorporateworkmanship and materials of the highest quality. A prospective licenseeshall be deemed qualified to protect and promote the image of theCommonwealth if it holds licenses to produce products associated with museumsand sites of major historical importance in the Commonwealth, including butnot limited to homes of Presidents of the United States and restoredhistorical areas.
B. The Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Director of the Division ofPurchases and Supply shall assist the Governor in determining theappropriateness of (i) any contract entered into for the commercial use ofthe seals of the Commonwealth, (ii) the product intended to be sold, (iii)any marketing activities undertaken to promote the sale of the product, and(iv) the pricing structure, including royalties to be paid to theCommonwealth for such use and sale. Any such royalties paid to theCommonwealth shall be deposited in the general fund.
(1995, c. 295, § 2.1-51.6:4; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 839.)