§ 2.2-1110. Using agencies to purchase through Division of Purchases andSupply; exception.
A. Except as provided by § 2.2-2012 or otherwise directed and authorized bythe Division or in the Code of Virginia, every department, division,institution, officer and agency of the Commonwealth, hereinafter called theusing agency, shall purchase through the Division all materials, equipment,supplies, printing and nonprofessional services of every description,whenever the whole or a part of the costs is to be paid out of the statetreasury. The Division shall make such purchases in conformity with thisarticle.
B. The provisions of subsection A shall not apply to the purchase ofmaterials, equipment, supplies, printing and nonprofessional services ofevery description by the Virginia Retirement System; however, the Board ofTrustees of the Virginia Retirement System shall adopt regulations made inaccordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) thatspecify policies and procedures that are based on competitive principles andthat are generally applicable to procurement of such goods and services bycomparably situated state agencies. The exemption provided by this subsectionshall apply for only as long as such regulations, or other regulationsmeeting the requirements of this subsection, remain in effect at the VirginiaRetirement System.
(Code 1950, § 2-249; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-273; 1977, c. 672, §2.1-440; 1980, c. 357; 1988, c. 140; 1995, c. 788; 2001, c. 844; 2003, cc.981, 1021.)