§ 2.2-1115.1. Standard vendor accounting information.
A. The Division, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, and the StateComptroller shall develop and maintain data standards for use by all agenciesand institutions for payments and purchases of goods and services pursuant to§§ 2.2-1115 and 2.2-2012. Such standards shall include at a minimum thevendor number, name, address, and tax identification number; commodity code,order number, invoice number, and receipt information; and other informationnecessary to appropriately and consistently identify all suppliers of goods,commodities, and other services to the Commonwealth. The Division, theVirginia Information Technologies Agency, and the State Comptroller shallannually review and update these standards to provide the Commonwealthinformation to monitor all procurement of goods and services and to implementadequate controls to pay only authorized providers of goods and services tothe Commonwealth.
B. The Division and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall submitthese standards to the Information Technology Advisory Council in accordancewith § 2.2-2699.6 for review as statewide technical and data standards forinformation technology.
(2009, cc. 758, 812; 2010, cc. 136, 145.)