§ 2.2-1135. Information on equipment utilizing wood wastes.
The Division shall assemble and maintain information relevant to adetermination by any department, agency, or institution regarding thesuitability of using a central boiler or other heating equipment that isfueled by wood wastes, including but not limited to the (i) identity ofmanufacturers and suppliers of wood waste handling and burning equipment,(ii) capital and operating costs of such equipment, (iii) associated airemissions and solid waste disposal requirements, and (iv) fuel storagerequirements. The information shall be distributed to any department, agency,or institution with a construction project specifying a central boiler orheating plant, and to personnel involved in the procurement andadministration of architectural and engineering services relating to suchconstruction project. For purposes of this section, "wood wastes" means rawwood by-products from wood processing and wood product manufacturingindustries, including sawdust, chips, bark, and planer shavings.
(1993, c. 691, § 2.1-483.2; 2001, c. 844.)