§ 2.2-1136. Review of easements; maintenance of real property records.
A. The Department shall review all deeds, leases and contractual agreementswith utilities to serve state institutions or agencies that require theapproval of the Governor, as well as all easements and rights-of-way grantedby institutions and agencies to public and private utilities.
B. The Department shall be responsible for the maintenance of real propertyrecords of all state institutions and agencies, except records of realproperty acquired by the Department of Transportation for the construction ofhighways, and may have such boundary, topographic and other maps prepared asmay be necessary.
(1966, c. 55, §§ 2-65.1, 2.1-82.1; 1970, c. 202; 1974, c. 27; 1976, c. 125;1977, c. 672, § 2.1-484; 1978, c. 770; 2001, c. 844; 2009, c. 612.)