§ 2.2-1138. Planning and construction by Division; exemption.
A. The Division of Engineering and Buildings shall, subject to writtenapproval of the Governor:
1. Prepare and, when necessary to meet changing conditions, amend along-range site plan for the location of all state buildings, and relatedimprovements, in Capitol Square and its immediate environs, and for suchother areas providing comparable facilities for the seat of government in oradjacent to the City of Richmond as the Governor shall direct;
2. Acquire with funds appropriated for that purpose the necessary land foreffectuation of the plan; and
3. Direct and control the execution of all authorized projects for theconstruction of state buildings and related improvements in or adjacent tothe City of Richmond.
B. The Governor may exempt from the provisions of subsection A thosebuildings and improvements that, in his opinion, should be planned andconstructed under the direction of other state agencies or institutions orincluded in site plans prepared by such other agencies or institutions.
C. No building for state use shall be erected or acquired nor other propertyacquired for state use, in Capitol Square and its immediate environs, or insuch other areas as may be included in the site plan required by subsection Aunless it has been approved by the Governor as conforming to the site plan.
(Code 1950, §§ 2-77.2, 2-77.3, 2-77.4; 1966, cc. 55, 677, §§ 2.1-99, 2.1-100,2.1-102; 1977, c. 672, §§ 2.1-489, 2.1-490, 2.1-491; 1979, c. 234; 2001, c.844.)