§ 2.2-1144. Control of Capitol Square and other property at seat ofgovernment.
A. The Division, under the direction and control of the Governor, shall havecontrol of the Capitol Square with the expense of the maintenance and controlto be paid out of the fund appropriated for that purpose. The Division shallkeep the keys of the Capitol Building and shall take charge of all the roomsin the Capitol Building, except in those areas under the control of thelegislature, the public grounds and all other property at the seat ofgovernment not placed in specific charge of others. The Division shall haveno control or responsibility with respect to the old and new Senate chambers,the old and new halls of the House of Delegates, the Rotunda, the offices ofthe Clerks of the Senate and House of Delegates, the legislative committeerooms, the enrolling office, or any other area specifically designated aslegislative space. The Division shall do such work and make such repairs forthe respective bodies of the General Assembly requested by the clerks thereofwith appropriate reimbursement of expenses to the Division.
B. The Division shall have all the furniture and the rooms in the Capitol,other than the rooms excepted in subsection A, the open parts of the Capitol,the public grounds, and all other property at the seat of government notplaced in the charge of others, kept in proper order at all times.
(Code 1950, §§ 2-71, 2-73; 1966, c. 677, §§ 2.1-89, 2.1-91; 1974 c. 27; 1977,c. 672, §§ 2.1-499, 2.1-500; 2001, c. 844.)