§ 2.2-1147. Definitions.
As used in §§ 2.2-1147.1 through 2.2-1156, unless the context requires adifferent meaning:
"Institutions" shall include, but not be limited to, any corporation ownedby the Commonwealth and subject to the control of the General Assembly.
"Property" shall mean an interest in land and any improvements thereon heldby the Commonwealth and under the control of or occupied by any of itsdepartments, agencies or institutions, but shall not include (i) real estateor rights-of-way acquired by the Department of Transportation for theconstruction of highways and (ii) ungranted shores of the sea, marsh andmeadowlands as defined in § 28.2-1500.
"Recommend," "recommended," or "recommendation," when used withreference to a recommendation by the Department of General Services to theGovernor, means to advise either for or against a proposed action.
(1968, c. 717, § 2.1-106.1; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-504; 1978, c. 770; 1984, c.641; 1995, c. 850; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 561.)