§ 2.2-1148. Approval of actions; conveyances in name of the Commonwealth.
A. All actions to be taken or approvals to be given by the Governor or theAttorney General pursuant to §§ 2.2-1149 through 2.2-1156 may be taken orgiven by the Governor or his designee, or by the Attorney General or one ofhis deputies or assistant attorneys general.
B. All conveyances of any interest in property to or from the Commonwealth orany state department or agency or any state institution that is not acorporation, shall be in the name of the Commonwealth and shall designate thedepartment, agency or institution in control or possession of the property inthe following manner: "Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of (name ofdepartment, agency or institution, or other appropriate name)." Allinterests in property conveyed to any department, agency or institution ofthe Commonwealth, whether past or future, is and shall be the property of theCommonwealth. Conveyance of an interest in property on behalf of theCommonwealth by a department, agency or institution other than that whichacquired title on behalf of the Commonwealth shall not create a cloud uponthe title.
(1984, c. 641, § 2.1-504.1; 2001, c. 844.)