§ 2.2-1152. Conveyances to Department of Transportation by state institutionsor public corporations owned by Commonwealth.
Any state institution or public corporation whose funds and property areowned solely by the Commonwealth may through its governing board convey tothe Virginia Department of Transportation the lands necessary for highwaypurposes or other incidental uses, either for such consideration deemedproper or in exchange for other lands, and to execute the instrumentsnecessary to effectuate the conveyance.
No transaction authorized by this section shall be made without the priorwritten recommendation of the Department to the Governor, the writtenapproval of the Governor of the transaction itself, and the approval of theAttorney General as to the form of the instruments prior to execution.
The proceeds from the sale, with the written approval of the Governor, may beused by the state institution or public corporation for the purchase of otherproperty or for capital improvements.
(1984, c. 641, § 2.1-504.5; 2001, c. 844.)