§ 2.2-1154. State agencies, institutions, to inquire of Department beforeacquiring land for capital improvements.
A. Any state department, agency or institution shall, before purchasing orotherwise acquiring land for any capital improvement, inquire of theDepartment whether there is available any suitable land under the control ofthe Department or any other state department, agency or institution that maybe authorized for the purpose for which the additional land is needed.
B. The Department shall require every state department, agency or institutionresponsible for the construction, operation or maintenance of publicfacilities within the Commonwealth, when siting state facilities andprograms, to evaluate the feasibility of siting such facilities and programsin the Commonwealth's urban centers. In making such evaluation, the agencyshall consider (i) the fiscal advantages of utilizing the existinginfrastructure available in urban centers as compared to the construction ofnew infrastructure in less developed areas, (ii) the potential savingsassociated with leasing facilities from the private sector in urban centersas compared to purchasing or constructing new facilities in other areas,(iii) the convenience to employees and citizen users of state facilities andprograms of placing such facilities and programs in close proximity to theroad and transportation systems and other amenities found in theCommonwealth's urban centers, and (iv) whether the local governing body issupportive of the location as a desirable use of available land resources.
This subsection shall not be construed to limit the ability of a statedepartment, agency or institution to locate facilities based on other factorssuch as a rural locality's desire to stimulate economic development or theneed to have regionally dispersed services.
C. The provisions of subsection B shall not apply to any facility or programto be located on the campus of any public institution of higher education inVirginia.
(1968, c. 717, § 2.1-106.4; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-508; 2000, c. 704; 2001, c.844; 2009, c. 612.)