§ 2.2-1165. Inspection of public school buildings; certification ofinspection; certain inspections made before July 1, 1986, deemed incompliance.
A. Every public school division in the Commonwealth shall ensure that everyschool building owned or operated by it, which has not previously beeninspected in compliance with this article, is inspected. Inspection shallconform to the standards developed pursuant to § 2.2-1164.
B. The superintendent of schools for each public school division shallcertify to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Secretary thatthe public schools in the division have been inspected in compliance withthis article.
C. Inspections completed prior to July 1, 1986, shall be deemed in compliancewith this article if the Superintendent of Public Instruction and theSecretary determine that they conform substantially to the standardsreferenced in § 2.2-1164, or to the inspection procedures contained in 40 CFR763.
(1985, c. 534, § 2.1-526.15; 1986, cc. 288, 560; 2001, c. 844.)