§ 2.2-1166. Marking locations where asbestos found in public schoolbuildings; estimate of cost of risk abatement; list of priorities based onrisk.
Each public school division shall ensure that every location at whichasbestos is identified following inspections conducted pursuant to subsectionA or C of § 2.2-1165 is clearly marked with suitably designed signs orlabels. Each division shall prepare an accurate estimate of the cost ofabating the risk of asbestos at each location so identified. Each divisionshall also establish a list of priorities, based upon its determination ofthe risk to public health and safety posed by asbestos at each such location,which shall include the estimated cost of abating the risk at each locationon the list.
(1986, cc. 288, 560, § 2.1-526.16; 2001, c. 844.)