§ 2.2-1176. Approval of purchase, lease, or contract rental of motor vehicle.
No motor vehicle shall be purchased, leased, or subject to a contract rentalwith public funds by the Commonwealth or by any officer or employee on behalfof the Commonwealth without the prior written approval of the Director. Nolease or contract rental shall be approved by the Director except upondemonstration that the cost of such lease or contract rental plus operatingcosts of the vehicle shall be less than comparable costs for a vehicle ownedby the Commonwealth.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the VirginiaDepartment of Transportation shall be exempted from the approval of purchase,lease, or contract rental of motor vehicles used directly in carrying out itsmaintenance, operations, and construction programs.
(1989, c. 479, § 33.1-403; 1997, c. 48; 1998, c. 329; 2001, cc. 815, 842, §2.1-548.04.)