§ 2.2-1178. Use of passenger-type vehicles on an assigned basis.
A. Passenger-type vehicles assigned to the centralized fleet may be assignedto persons performing state duties only if deemed necessary by the head ofthe agency or institution requesting such vehicle and approved in writing bythe Director. Request for such vehicle shall be made in writing on formsprepared by the Department of General Services by the head of the agency orinstitution explaining in detail the purpose of or reason for such assignment.
B. Assignments shall be approved by the Director only on the basis of one ofthe following criteria:
1. The vehicle shall be driven not less than an annual minimum of mileage tobe calculated by dividing the most recently approved annual replacementcharge for the use of a state-owned vehicle by the remainder of the statereimbursement rate per mile for personal vehicles minus the cost per mile foroperating a state-owned vehicle;
2. The vehicle shall be used by an employee whose duties are routinelyrelated to public safety or response to life-threatening situations:
a. A law-enforcement officer as defined in § 9.1-101, with general or limitedpolice powers;
b. An employee whose job duties require the constant use or continuousavailability of specialized equipment directly related to their routinefunctions; or
c. An employee on twenty-four-hour call who must respond to emergencies on aregular or continuing basis, and emergency response is normally to a locationother than the employee's official work station; or
3. The vehicle shall be used for essential travel related to thetransportation of clients or wards of the Commonwealth on a routine basis, orfor essential administrative functions of the agency for which it isdemonstrated that use of a temporary assignment or personal mileagereimbursement is neither feasible nor economical.
C. No assignment shall be for a period exceeding two years except upon reviewby the Director as to the continued need for the assignment.
D. The use of such vehicle shall be limited to official state business.
(1989, c. 479, § 33.1-405; 2001, cc. 815, 842, § 2.1-548.06.)