§ 2.2-1404. Interdepartmental Board; cooperation with Department.
A. The Interdepartmental Board established by the Director shall be composedof heads of the several departments and agencies of state government or theirrespective designees, whose functions affect small, women-owned, andminority-owned businesses. The participating departments and agencies shallbe determined by the Director of the Department. The Interdepartmental Boardshall meet at the call of the Director and shall supply the Director withinformation useful in promoting small, women-owned, and minority-ownedbusiness development.
B. The head of each participating state department and agency or theirdesignees shall furnish information, assistance, and reports to, and shallotherwise cooperate with, the Director in the performance of his duties asneeded.
C. The head of each participating state department or agency shall, when sorequested by the Director, designate an assistant or such other similarofficial to have primary and continuing responsibility for the participationand cooperation of that department or agency in matters concerning small,women- and minority-owned businesses.
D. Each participating state department or agency shall, within constraints oflaw and availability of funding, continue all current efforts to foster andpromote small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses and to supportsmall, women-owned, and minority-owned business programs, and shall cooperatewith the Director in increasing the total state effort.
(1975, c. 509, §§ 2.1-64.36, 2.1-64.37; 1985, c. 448; 2001, c. 844; 2006, cc.831, 921; 2009, c. 869.)