§ 2.2-1405. Reports and recommendations; collection of data.
The Director shall, from time to time, submit directly or through anassistant to the Governor his recommendations for legislation or other actionas he deems desirable to promote the purposes of this chapter.
The Director shall report, on or before November 1 of each year, to theGovernor and the General Assembly the identity of the state departments andagencies failing to submit annual progress reports on small, women- andminority-owned business procurement required by § 2.2-4310, and the natureand extent of such lack of compliance. The annual report shall includerecommendations on the ways to improve compliance with the provisions of §2.2-4310 and such other related matters as the Director deems appropriate.
The Director, with the assistance of the Comptroller, shall develop andimplement a systematic data collection process that will provide informationfor a report to the Governor and General Assembly on state expenditures tosmall, women- and minority-owned businesses during the previous fiscal year.
(1975, c. 509, § 2.1-64.38; 1983, c. 41; 1984, c. 734; 1996, c. 335; 2001, c.844; 2003, c. 435; 2006, cc. 831, 921.)