§ 2.2-1515. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly shows otherwise, the termor phrase:
"Advisory Committee" means the Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan AdvisoryCommittee established pursuant to § 2.2-1516.
"Capital outlay project" means acquisition of real property, includingbuildings or plant or machinery or equipment, or new construction orimprovements related to state-owned real property, buildings, plant, ormachinery or equipment including plans therefor. It shall include anyimprovements to real property leased for use by a state agency or publiceducational institution and not owned by the Commonwealth, when suchimprovements are financed by public funds and become state property upon theexpiration of the lease. Capital outlay projects do not include projectsthat have been included in the Commonwealth Transportation Board's Six-YearImprovement Program.
"Construction phase" means the following steps, as set out in theConstruction and Professional Services Manual of the Department of GeneralServices: preparation of final working drawings and specifications,advertising for a sealed bid or proposal, awarding a contract pursuant tolaw, and actual construction of a project.
"Detailed planning" means the preparation of architectural and engineeringdocuments up to the preliminary design stage, as defined in the Constructionand Professional Services Manual of the Department of General Services.
"Pre-planning" means a process meant to obtain a more detailed definitionand cost estimate of a project. It may include the following elements, asappropriate:
1. Statement of program definition including functional space requirements,estimates of gross and net square footage, and functional adjacencyrequirements;
2. Analysis of program execution options, including review of newconstruction versus renovation alternatives, necessary phasing or sequencingof the project, and coordination with other ongoing or proposed capitalprojects;
3. Site analysis, including options considered and, for the site chosen, anyspecific issues related to topography, utilities, or environment;
4. Presentation, including site plan, conceptual floor plans and elevations,and conceptual exterior;
5. Identification of any Uniform Statewide Building Code compliance or permitrequirements unique to the project; or
6. Cost estimate for the project to include total cost of the project,construction cost for the project, total cost per square foot, constructioncost per square foot, costing methodology, and identification of any factorsunique to the project that may impact overall project cost.
"Project" means a capital outlay project included in the six-year capitaloutlay plan described in § 2.2-1518.
"Value engineering" means a systematic process of review and analysis of aproject by a team of appropriate professionals licensed in accordance withChapter 4 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1. As a result of such review andanalysis, the team may recommend changes to improve the project's quality orto reduce the total project cost without reducing the overall quality orfunction of the project.
(2008, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 1, 2.)