§ 2.2-1520. Certain funds established.
A. There is hereby established a special, nonreverting fund in the statetreasury to be known as the Central Capital Planning Fund, hereafter referredto as the Fund. The Fund shall include such moneys as may be appropriated bythe General Assembly from time to time and designated for the Fund. The Fundshall be established on the books of the Comptroller and shall beadministered by the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget. Anymoneys remaining in the Fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revertto the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall beused solely to pay the pre-planning or detailed planning costs of capitaloutlay projects that have been approved for pre-planning or detailed planningby the General Assembly.
B. The State Agency Capital Account shall be established in the generalappropriation act as a separate item for appropriation purposes. The StateAgency Capital Account shall consist of appropriations of the proceeds fromthe sale of certain bonds by the Virginia Public Building Authority that aredesignated for the Account and any other moneys as may be appropriated by theGeneral Assembly. The Account shall be administered by the Director of theDepartment of Planning and Budget consistent with the provisions of thischapter. The Account shall be used to finance the construction of projects,as defined in § 2.2-2260, that have been approved for construction by theGeneral Assembly. In addition, it is required that the Account reimburse theCentral Capital Planning Fund for payments made for pre-planning or detailedplanning of all such projects that have been approved for construction by theGeneral Assembly.
C. The Public Educational Institution Capital Account shall be established inthe general appropriation act as a separate item for appropriation purposes.The Public Educational Institution Capital Account shall consist ofappropriations of the proceeds from the sale of certain bonds by the VirginiaCollege Building Authority that are designated for the Account and any othermoneys as may be appropriated by the General Assembly. The Account shall beadministered by the Director of the Department of Planning and Budgetconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. The Account shall be used tofinance the construction of projects, as defined in § 23-15, that have beenapproved for construction by the General Assembly. In addition, it isrequired that the Account reimburse the Central Capital Planning Fund forpayments made for pre-planning or detailed planning of all such projects thathave been approved for construction by the General Assembly.
(2008, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 1, 2.)