§ 2.2-1502.1. School efficiency review program.
A. From such funds as may be appropriated or otherwise received for suchpurpose, and upon written request by a local school board or the divisionsuperintendent, the Director shall initiate a review of the relevant schooldivision's central operations. Such review shall examine noninstructionalexpenditures and identify opportunities to improve operational efficienciesand reduce costs for the division and include but not be limited toexaminations of (i) overhead, (ii) human resources, (iii) procurement, (iv)facilities use and management, (v) financial management, (vi) transportation,(vii) technology planning, and (viii) energy management. Such review shallnot address the effectiveness of the educational services being delivered bythe division.
B. School divisions shall pay 25 percent of the cost of the school efficiencyreview in the fiscal year immediately following the completion of the finalschool efficiency review report. Additionally, commencing with reviewscompleted in fiscal year 2007, partial recovery of the cost of individualreviews shall be made in the fiscal year beginning not less than 12 monthsand not more than 24 months following the release of a final efficiencyreview report for an individual school division. Such additional recovery mayoccur if the affected school division superintendent or superintendent'sdesignee has not certified that at least half the recommendations have beeninitiated or at least half of the equivalent savings of such efficiencyreview have been realized. Lacking such certification the school divisionshall reimburse the state for 25 percent of the cost of the school efficiencyreview. Such reimbursement shall be paid into the general fund of the statetreasury. The Department of Planning and Budget shall provide the format forsuch certification.
C. All agencies, authorities, and institutions of the Commonwealth shallcooperate and provide assistance as the Director may request.
(2005, c. 620; 2006, c. 596.)