§ 2.2-1504. Estimates by state agencies of amounts needed.
A. Biennially in the odd-numbered years, on a date established by theGovernor, each of the several state agencies and other agencies andundertakings receiving or asking financial aid from the Commonwealth shallreport to the Governor, through the responsible secretary designated bystatute or executive order, in a format prescribed for such purpose, anestimate in itemized form in accordance with the expenditure classificationadopted by the Governor, showing the amount needed for each year of theensuing biennial period beginning with the first day of July. The Governormay prescribe targets that shall not be exceeded in the official estimate ofeach agency; however, an agency may submit to the Governor a request for anamount exceeding the target as an addendum to its official budget estimate.
B. Each agency or undertaking required to submit a biennial estimate pursuantto subsection A shall simultaneously submit an estimate of the amount thatwill be needed for the two succeeding biennial periods beginning July 1 ofthe third year following the year in which the estimate is submitted. TheDepartment shall provide, within thirty days following receipt, copies of allagency estimates provided under this subsection to the chairmen of the HouseCommittee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance.
C. The format used in making these estimates shall (i) be prescribed by theGovernor, shall (ii) be uniform for all agencies, and (iii) clearly designatethe kind of information to be given. The Governor may prescribe a differentformat for estimates from institutions of higher education, which formatshall be uniform for all such institutions and shall clearly designate thekind of information to be provided.
(Code 1950, § 2-48; 1964, c. 125; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-54; 1968, c. 683; 1975,c. 325; 1976, c. 760, § 2.1-394; 1979, c. 283; 1992, c. 582; 1993, c. 724;1998, c. 467; 2001, c. 844.)