§ 2.2-1505. Estimates by nonstate agencies of amounts needed.
A. Except as provided in §§ 10.1-2211, 10.1-2212, and 10.1-2213, no statefunds shall be appropriated or expended for, or to, nonstate agencies unless:
1. A request for state aid is filed by the organization with the Departmentof Planning and Budget, as required by § 2.2-1504.
2. The nonstate agency certifies to the satisfaction of the Department thatmatching funds are available in cash from local or private sources in anamount at least equal to the amount of the request. These matching fundsshall be concurrent with the purpose for which state funds are requested.Contributions received and spent prior to the state grant shall not beconsidered in satisfying the requirements of this subdivision.
3. The nonstate agency provides documentation of its tax exempt status under§ 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
B. Except as provided in §§ 23-38.11 through 23-38.18, no state funds shallbe appropriated to, or expended for, a private institution of highereducation or religious organization.
C. For the purposes of this section, a "nonstate agency" means any publicor private foundation, authority, institute, museum, corporation or similarorganization that is not a unit of state government or a politicalsubdivision of the Commonwealth as established by general law or special act.It shall not include any such entity that receives state funds as asubgrantee of a state agency or through a state grant-in-aid programauthorized by law.
(1989, c. 711, § 2.1-394.1; 1998, c. 467; 2001, c. 844.)