§ 2.2-1509.3. Budget bill to include appropriations for major informationtechnology projects.
A. For purposes of this section:
"Major information technology project" means the same as that term isdefined in § 2.2-2006.
"Major information technology project funding" means an estimate of eachfunding source for a major information technology project for the duration ofthe project.
B. In "The Budget Bill" submitted pursuant to § 2.2-1509, the Governorshall provide for the funding of major information technology projects, asspecified herein. Such funding recommendations shall be for major informationtechnology projects that have or are pending project development approval asdefined by § 2.2-2019 or procurement approval as defined by § 2.2-2020.
The Governor shall include in "The Budget Bill" submitted pursuant to §2.2-1509 a biennial appropriation for major information technology projectsand the following information for each such project:
1. A brief statement explaining the project, the CIO's ranking andrecommendations on the project as required by § 2.2-2008, an explanation, ifnecessary, if the Governor informed the Secretary of Technology that anemergency existed as set forth in § 2.2-2008, and the anticipated duration ofthe project;
2. A brief explanation of the inclusion of any project in the budget billthat has not undergone review and approval by the Secretary of Technology asrequired by § 2.2-225;
3. Total estimated project costs, as defined by the Commonwealth's ProjectManagement Standards, including the amount of the agency's or institution'soperating appropriation, which will support the project, and long-termcontract cost beyond the biennium;
4. Costs incurred to date, as defined by the Commonwealth's ProjectManagement Standards, which includes both the project planning cost andinternal operating costs to support the project;
5. Recommendations or comments of the Public-Private Partnership AdvisoryCommission, if the project is part of a proposal under the Public-PrivateEducation Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (§ 56-575.1 et seq.); and
6. The CIO's assessment of the project and the status as of the date of thebudget bill submission to the General Assembly.
C. The Secretary of Technology shall immediately notify each member of theSenate Finance Committee and the House Appropriations Committee of anydecision to terminate in accordance with § 2.2-225 any major informationtechnology project in the budget bill. Such communication shall include theSecretary of Technology's reason for such termination.
(2009, c. 757; 2010, cc. 136, 145.)