§ 2.2-1512. Financial statements by Comptroller.
On or before August 15 annually, the Comptroller shall furnish to theDepartment the following statements, classified and itemized in strictaccordance with the budget classifications adopted by the Governor:
1. A statement showing the balance standing to the credit of the severalappropriations for each department, bureau, division, office, board,commission, institution, or other agency or undertaking of the Commonwealthat the end of the last preceding appropriation year.
2. A statement showing the monthly expenditures from each appropriationaccount, and the total monthly expenditures from all the appropriationaccounts, including special and all other appropriations, in the twelvemonths of the last preceding appropriation year.
3. A statement showing the annual revenues and expenditures in each fund.
4. An itemized and complete financial balance sheet for the Commonwealth atthe close of the last preceding fiscal year ending June 30.
5. Such other statements as requested by the Governor.
(Code 1950, § 2-50; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-56; 1968, cc. 121, 683; 1976, c. 760,§ 2.1-402; 1984, c. 612; 2001, c. 844.)