§ 2.2-1801. State Treasurer to appoint administrative assistants, etc.
A. The State Treasurer shall appoint the administrative assistants, deputiesand clerks allowed by law.
B. The State Treasurer shall appoint administrative assistants, who shallhave authority to act for and perform the duties of the State Treasurer underhis direction, supervision and control, and in the absence of the StateTreasurer to perform all the duties of the office. Of such absence, theothers shall be informed. When the absence of the State Treasurer is to befor more than five days at a time, notice thereof shall be given to theGovernor.
C. In the event the administrative assistant is incapacitated from performinghis duties during the absence of the State Treasurer, the Governor shalldesignate some other administrative assistant n the office to act during theabsence of the State Treasurer, and in the event of the removal, resignationor death of the State Treasurer, the administrative assistant shall performall the duties of the office until the vacancy is filled in the mannerprescribed by law.
D. Such officers and their sureties shall be liable for any default or breachof duty of their administrative assistants respectively during their absence.
(1950, §§ 2-145, 2-146, 2-147, 2-148; 1966, c. 677, §§ 2.1-173, 2.1-174,2.1-175, 2.1-176; 2001, c. 844.)