§ 2.2-1802. Payment of state funds into state treasury; deposits in statedepositories; credit of fund not paid into general fund; exceptions as toendowments and gifts to institutions; appropriations by federal government.
Every state department, division, officer, board, commission, institution orother agency owned or controlled by the Commonwealth, whether at the seat ofgovernment or not, collecting or receiving public funds, or moneys from anysource, belonging to or for the use of the Commonwealth, or for the use ofany state agency, shall hereafter pay the same promptly into the statetreasury. All fees of office and commissions accruing to the State Treasurershall be paid into the state treasury.
Any state department, division, officer, board, commission, institution orother agency at the seat of government shall deposit such moneys to thecredit of the State Treasurer upon communicating with him and receivinginstructions from him as to what state depository may be used for thepurpose. In every such case the depositor shall retain a deposit receipt or adeposit certificate form certified by the bank receiving the deposit forevery such deposit to the State Treasurer and send to the Comptroller a copyof the deposit receipt, certificate, or other documentation supporting thedeposit, as prescribed by the Comptroller.
Any state department, division, officer, board, commission, institution orother agency not at the seat of government, other than county and citytreasurers and clerks of courts, depositing such moneys to its or his creditin local banks shall deposit such moneys to the credit of the State Treasurerin a state depository duly designated in accordance with this chapter, and inevery such case the depositor shall retain a deposit receipt or a depositcertificate form certified by the bank receiving the deposit for everydeposit to the State Treasurer and send to the Comptroller a copy of thedeposit receipt, certificate, or other documentation supporting the deposit,as prescribed by the Comptroller. Moneys deposited into such statedepositories shall be transferred to a concentration bank as prescribed bythe State Treasurer.
Moneys paid into the state treasury that are not now payable into the generalfund of the state treasury shall be placed to the credit of the respectiveaccounts that are required by law to be kept on the books of the Comptrolleror to the credit of new accounts to be opened on the books of the Comptrollerwith such agencies so paying such moneys into the state treasury,respectively.
This chapter shall not apply to the endowment funds or gifts to institutionsowned or controlled by the Commonwealth, or to the income from such endowmentfunds or gifts, or to private funds belonging to the students or inmates ofstate institutions. The cash as well as the notes of student loan funds shallbe held by the respective institutions.
Appropriations made by the government of the United States to or for thebenefit of any state institution or agency, however, shall be paid into thestate treasury and used for the purposes for which such appropriations weremade.
(Code 1950, §§ 2-150, 14-16; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-15; 1966, c. 677, §2.1-180; 1988, c. 260; 1992, c. 326; 1998, c. 872; 2001, c. 844.)