§ 2.2-1843. Loss prevention.
The Division may develop and implement risk management and loss preventionprograms related to risk management plans established pursuant to theprovisions of this article. The Division may confer with the proper officialsor employees of all agencies and institutions of the Commonwealth and ofparticipating entities and persons pursuant to § 2.2-1839, for the purpose ofdetermining risk management and loss prevention programs that shall becarried on with respect to properties and governmental operations under theircontrol and may determine the manner in which the programs may be developed,implemented and enforced. The Division may seek the assistance of riskmanagement consulting companies, insurance companies, loss preventionengineering companies, and their representatives, the State Fire Marshal, andthe Division of Engineering and Buildings in devising means by which causesof loss may be reduced or eliminated. The Division shall have the finalresponsibility with respect to implementation or nonimplementation of a planby an agency or institution of the Commonwealth and by a participating entityor person pursuant to § 2.2-1839. Information contained in investigativereports of any state or local police department, sheriff's office, firedepartment or fire marshal relevant to risk management plans establishedpursuant to the provisions of this article shall be made available to theDivision upon request. The relevant information requested shall be furnishedwithin a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty days.
(1988, c. 848, § 2.1-526.11:1; 1996, cc. 475, 510; 2000, cc. 618, 632, §2.1-191.16; 2001, c. 844.)