§ 2.2-213.4. Secretary of Health and Human Resources to develop blueprint forlong-term services and supports.
The Secretary shall convene, as appropriate, such other heads of executivebranch secretariats, state agencies and other public and private agencies andentities to develop a blueprint for livable communities and long-termservices and supports for older Virginians and people with disabilities. Theblueprint shall include planning through the year 2025 and shall becomprehensive and inclusive of issues related to active, daily life incommunities across the Commonwealth. The blueprint shall build upon existingplans and reports and shall focus on (i) community integration andinvolvement, (ii) availability and accessibility of services and supports,and (iii) integration and participation in the economic mainstream. Theblueprint shall be submitted to the Governor and Chairs of the AppropriationsCommittee of the House of Delegates and the Finance Committee of the Senateno later than June 30, 2011.
(2010, cc. 411, 801.)