§ 2.2-221. Position established; agencies for which responsible.
The position of Secretary of Public Safety (the Secretary) is created. TheSecretary shall be responsible to the Governor for the following agencies:Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of Corrections,Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Correctional Education,Department of Criminal Justice Services, Department of Forensic Science,Virginia Parole Board, Department of Emergency Management, Department ofMilitary Affairs, Department of Veterans Services, Virginia Veterans ServicesFoundation, Department of State Police, Department of Fire Programs and theCommonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council. The Governor may, by executiveorder, assign any other state executive agency to the Secretary, or reassignany agency listed above to another Secretary.
(1976, c. 732, §§ 2.1-51.16, 2.1-51.18; 1978, cc. 455, 606, 607, 820; 1984,cc. 720, 779; 1985, cc. 447, 448; 1986, c. 60; 1988, cc. 67, 173, 888; 1989,c. 733; 1990, cc. 1, 317; 1992, c. 81; 1996, c. 503; 2001, c. 844; 2006, cc.150, 326.)