§ 2.2-222. Secretary to provide annual reports on juvenile offenders.
The Secretary shall provide annual reports to the Governor and the GeneralAssembly on juvenile offender demographics by offense, age, committing court,previous court contacts of offenders, and, beginning in July 1998, recidivismrates of juveniles committed to agencies within the Secretariat. The annualreport shall also include summaries of any juvenile program evaluationscompleted in the previous year on programs operated by the Departments ofJuvenile Justice, Corrections or Criminal Justice Services and whoseevaluation was directed by the General Assembly or the Secretary.
(1976, c. 732, § 2.1-51.17; 1984, c. 720; 1990, cc. 1, 317; 1996, c. 617;2001, c. 844.)